The beans--also known as my good little buddy Desmond--are all coming up and flourishing. We've had some warm temps lately, and the plants seem to be appreciating them. The only problem I'm running unto is that it seems like portions of Desmond might be feeling a little too toasty. I'll have to check that. I don't think my flower bed soil is as well drained as would be ideal, so that may also be an issue. I noticed that some little bug seems to be nibbling a touch on the leaves. Nothing too drastic, but I need to figure out what's doing it. When I checked yesterday, I couldn't find anything. My initial thought was aphids, but I didn't see anything... Then again it was pretty hot... do aphids hide when it's hot? I have no idea, but for now I'm going with hiding aphids.
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My bean seedlings. They look pretty happy! Many of them have come up, so I'm hoping at least some of them will make it. |
I have another issue in my garden though. These guys.
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Stupid wasp is a jerk! |
Ordinarily I don't care. But today they seem to be everywhere I turn. Not exaggerating. I couldn't even check my plants a second time. (In search of aphids again. I'm not obsessed, what are you talking about? Psha!) Anyhoo, I am most displeased. They seem to be searching for nesting sites. I think one of them has already made a nest in my hose hangy-uppy-thingy. Bleh. Time for Hubbyman to take action. I don't give a hoot about the overgrown lawn, but the wasps are a bit much.
Honestly, I wouldn't care about the wasps if they nested somewhere else. They eat bugs I think. And bugs are jerks in the garden. So it's not like I'm anti-wasp altogether. They just need to back off my property, yo!
However, here's a guy I am happy to have in the garden. You go, spider! Eat dem bugs! You know, to be fair, I'm only assuming he eats bugs. Mainly because I've never heard of a plant eating spider. Boy, that would be weird... Also, as an aside, I am terrified of house spiders. I have no idea why yard spiders don't scare me. Except those big fat ones that make big webs for bug catching. Those things get huge, and they have angry fangs of death. *Shudder*
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Happy little garden spider of happiness. Yes, I typed happy and happiness in the same sentence. What of it? |
And check it out, my peas are still alive! Good ol' Climby. I didn't kill them last time, actually, so this isn't particularly surprising. I'd feel pretty pathetic if she did croak though. She is the biggest garden investment this year after all. Mainly because they were the most successful vegetable I planted in the past. So you know. I feel like we have a good relationship. (She better not throw me under the bus!)
As you can see, I was really dumb and planted some Climbies under my hose. WTF. I'm an idiot. I couldn't bring myself to pull all of them though. I had to pull the ones that were directly underneath. But I left the ones that were only kind of under the hose. The dumb part about this, however, is that now the peas are trying to climb the hose. I keep attempting to redirect them to the trellis. We'll see what the outcome is.
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Stre-e-e-e-etch! |
Okay, I don't have a picture to show it, but I keep forgetting to cut back the oregano. There are peas growing on either side. Burt is trying to eat them. Bad Burt! No biscuit! (No, Burt is not a dog, nor is he some sort of monkey man. He is my plant. In case anyone is reading this but not reading that down there. No further... further... there it is! That post down there!)
Anyway, I didn't get a picture of Burt, but I did get a picture of Climby again. This is one of the Climbies that is situated by Burt. Climby seems to be happy so far. In fact, this is the tallest and most robust of them all. So it's important that I keep her happy by chopping off some of Burts arms. Nah, he won't mind. He's got plenty. Plus, I understand that Burt plants are happier if you cut off their arms regularly. I read it on the internet. The most reliable source of factness in the world.
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My Climby has a last name. It's t-a-l-l-e-s-t-n-e-s-s... hmm, that's not very catchy. I need to work on my song writing skills. |
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What do you mean? Of course Climby Tallestness needs another picture! She is a vain and egotistical plant. |
McCrunchy. You know, I never have anything to say about McCrunchy. Talk about a low maintenance little dude. He just keeps on truckin'. I noticed today that his roots are starting to bulge slightly. I have no idea how I'm supposed to know when to harvest him. I'm gonna go with... well, no. I got nothin'. Bing will have to assist me on this one.
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McCrunchy! He doesn't get much attention. I hope the weather won't make him bitter. He's a bit particular. |
And now the infamous Scruffy. Holy crap, I can't believe he is still trying to live. Good little Scruffy! There's more to life than unlife!
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I actually took this picture a couple of days ago. He now has slightly bigger leaves, if you can believe that. You go, Scruffy! Photosynthesize like a lettuce! |
Squishy is not only hangin' in there, he's multiplying. Oh no, wait, those are his brothers. They decided to test the air. Come on, Zucchini! Don't let me down!
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There's one thing you can say about Squishy. He's a zucchini. Oh wait, I mean he's extra-extra-tough. |
My daughter's fairy garden was feeling a little neglected, so I decided to give it some camera love. He don't need no TLC. He's ivy. And you know how ivy is. Manly and invasive. Like the thing that wouldn't leave. Good thing he's in a container! For now...
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You be good, ivy! No! Don't spread! No... no... NOOOOOO! |
Hey, did you know that cobwebs make a handy weed seed trap? Check it out! Thanks, Mr. Spider! Whoever you are... abandoner of your crappy home that wouldn't catch jack squat because it was in a tiny secluded corner of non-bugness...
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I think we've learned our lesson now, haven't we Dandelion? Oh wait, you have ten thousand children... rats. |
Snapdragon of glory. You know, I am really a big fan of this color. I hope she bounces back next year.
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What can I say? ...No, really, what? |
I also have some Climbies in a container. I just wanted to see how it went. So far she's doing okay over here. I thought you might like to see this corner of my flower bed. This area has a little bit better soil than the long narrow part. A couple of years ago I mixed in some potting soil, so that helped it be a little less crappy. I really should have done that again this year... Oh yeah, so anyway, the corner bed. I made the trellis wrap around, so it's against the house, runs alongside the porch, and then comes around to the edge of the patio. I'm hoping that if the peas do okay there, maybe they will make a cool vegetative wall of peas next to the porch. I think that would look totally cool.
The end.
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