...Because this happened:
Oh hello, Mildew! How ya been? |
And considering the fact, this also happened, courtesy of me:
At least they get a little breathing room now. |
And because I decided to be lazy, they only made it this far. Because I didn't feel like figuring out a way to get the stakes into the yard waste bin when the bin is not completely empty.
Angry little pile of disgustingness. Oh, BTW, those squash leaves have nothing to do with mildew. |
Unfortunately, the sage is suffering a bit. I think it's some kind of insect eating it. Not sure what. I'm going to cut it back further, since it looks pretty scraggly. Needs a better shape.
I think the bugs are using this herb more than I am. |
These flowers seem to be doing okay, however:
Please stay healthy! |
And the green beans, although bushy and huge and awesome, are not being very productive. I wonder if it has anything to do with their slow start. Pretty, though!
Chicken overboard! |
Oh, funny story. Actually, I'm not sure I blogged about this before, but my oregano plant was obliterated by pests, so I pulled it out (a miracle in itself). Well, all the anecdotes about oregano came true. Check it out! A volunteer! It picked a weird spot, under the hose there. But whatever. I'm leaving it. Hopefully it will return to its former glory.
Hello, you tasty little herb you. |
I think one of the little cucumber budlings is getting bigger! Also Scruffy.
Not that you can tell from this picture... |
And finally, I have this weird little bug. I am told it is a type of longhorn wood borer, which is supposedly bad for trees, but a good pollinator. So yay for the plants, but crap for the fence and swingset, I guess.
Pretty though! |
The end.
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