Monday, May 5, 2014

Speedy Snaptastic

Okay, I'm really reaching here.  Subject headers are hard, and usually lame.  Maybe I should start putting dates up there.  Like Captain Kirk.  "Gardener's Log--Grow Date 5514--Massive corn clog in port 7..."  Wait, I'm not growing corn.  Maybe I will stick with the dumb ones.  Turns out that's my specialty.

Stay on task, Lady!  Sheesh...

I'll start (again) by saying it's 5 to 11... PM...  I'm not exactly what you would describe as a "Night Owl."  I'm barely an "Evening Gnat."  My kids wake up early, which means I wake up early, which means bedtime for all, which means be quiet and go to sleep!  By the way, I'll let you in on a little secret.  I can't fall asleep unless one of two things happens.  Option 1:  I must be exhausted out of my mind.  Option 2: I must read until Option 1 is achieved.  So, when I go to bed early, I usually fall asleep earlier, because I'm all nice and relaxed and so forth.  But when Hubbyman goes to bed before me, I can't take advantage of Option 2 without waking him up.  So here I am, at 11 PM (because it took me five minutes to type all that), trying to make myself desperately tired.

Then I thought, hey!  I took pictures recently--in a race against the onset of rain, I might add--and have been intending to post them for about four days now, but just haven't gotten around to it.  So here you go.  Happy birthday!  Or whatever day you might be happening to celebrate.  They're all worth celebrating in their own way, after all.

I'll post them, more or less, in order, from porch to Chard, making a bit of a circuit as I go.  Why I'm telling you this is a mystery to us all.

So here is my sad little Lavender.  It's still struggling with the browning leaves and all that, even with the awesome sun we had last week.  So should I hack it all down and hope it grows back, or what?  It worked for Scruffy last year... although, admittedly, he was a Tomato, not Lavender...  It has developed a little bud near the top, so I guess it's showing some signs of life.  Beheading it is probably a bit extreme.  I hope it hangs in there and makes some awesome improvements as we head into summer.

I think I mentioned the race against impending doom--I mean rain--so the photos from this post are incredibly hasty and, well, not wonderful.  But they are what they are.  So now you know why I neglected to include the upper portions.

Moving along, we see the progress of the Broccoli.  I have been thinning it as it grows.  I honestly don't know how this is going to work out with it being in the flower box.  Something tells me this is not going to end well.

Grow, my pretties!

A little further down, we see--what?  I don't believe it!  Those oddball seeds that were rolling around my junk drawer have sprouted!  I think they were Basil... time will tell, as the saying goes.

Wake up, sleepyheads!

Now, working my way down the steps, here comes the Kale.  Its appearance is beginning to differ from the Broccoli, so now I can tell what is growing in the mystery yogurt tubs.  Huzzah!

Pretty cute!
I'm still a little nervous about how all these cool weather crops are going to turn out, since the first round was a dud.  I can only hope that the weather doesn't get too warm and ruin their flavor or make them bolt, or whatever it is they might be planning to do.

Anyway, at the bottom of the stairs we encounter the Cilantro...  Funny story, actually.  I think some Kale seeds drifted into the Cilantro box.  The little dudes that have been growing in there look an awful lot like Kale, and suddenly I have a bunch of baby plants popping up in a perfect row, right down the middle of the box.  Yup.  Those who think I know what I'm doing (hahaha...haha... ha...) need to stop thinking that now, and for the love of something or other, don't follow my example.

Dang, I get wordy late at night.

Hahaha, you nerd!

Moving on to the peas.  They are happily climbing.  Good little peas!  You never let me down.  ...You'd better not let me down, or else!

They seem to be pretty happy in their little home.
Incidentally, I keep forgetting that I planted more Lettuce and Spinach in those bags.  They came up, but I keep forgetting to take pictures of them.  Also thinning.  Go me!

I forgot to take pictures of the baby Radishes in the big box, so here is Garlic instead.  My understanding is that spring planted garlic does not produce as great a yield as fall planted garlic.  But it is fun all the same.  I enjoy watching things grow.  It's fun and peaceful.

Spritely little things.
Next comes the red tub Lettuces.  Chugging right along.  The little Lettuces that could.

What can I say?  They're leafy.  They're growing.  The tub is red.  Other stuff.  Blah.

Now for the foot locker Radishes.  They are due this week.  I honestly don't have high expectations here.  They've been pretty well abused by the local rowdies.  Poor things.

May I take this moment to emphasize, once again, that these were hasty photos, and the whole rain thing and so forth?

Now Spearmint.  This plant is fun to photograph.  Not sure why.  I just like it, I guess.

Now for the green onions.  They are making a comeback, in their own pungent way.

Righty is winning the Onion race.  Onions are well known for their competitive nature.
The lettuces are nearly ready!  They are small, but that just means they will be tender.  Am I right?  Anyway, these will come up with the radishes.  We will have salad.  It will be glorious.

I hope they are yummy.  I will be seeding wildflowers in this spot when the lettuce is gone.
Chard.  There was a little too much PDA going on with these two guys, so I transplanted the smaller one to fill that gap to the left.  He seems to have taken to his new home pretty well.

The Sage seems to have improved after some much needed sunshine.

You're going to take over again, aren't you?
In the interest of full disclosure, I admit to the fact that I stole that corn-clog-in-port-seven line from Futurama.  But I figured I was already ripping off one sci-fi classic, I might as well rip off another.  You know, for the sake of something about consistency or something something.

The end.


  1. Today actually is my birthday, so Huzzah! Perfect little present to wake up and read :)

    1. Happy birthday! I realized that shortly after I posted this and thought it to be a hilarious coincidence. I hope you are having a good birthday! =)

  2. It's been good so far, i'm about to go clean the chicken coop, so happy birthday to me?

  3. You never fail to make me laugh and spit the proverbial coffee all over the screen.

    1. Well, that's my goal! (Er, I mean besides growing things...)


About Me

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.