Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Blah blah plants blah garden blah blah words...

Pretty sure I said this a couple of posts back, but once again, it's freaking hot.

In other, more interesting news, I rearranged the patio completely.  I hacked down the mint because it was having problems with major yellowing on the lower/inner leaves, and it was starting to wilt.  So I whacked it down, and hopefully the new growth will be rapid.  In this heat, I suspect it will.  Anyway, since I cut it all down, I got to looking at the rest of my herbs, and I thought it was time to move them around.  They were pretty crowded and growing into each other.  So I spaced them a little more to encourage air flow.  I also pruned the oregano, which was looking scraggly; and the sage, which was being eaten.  I'm hoping that the diners have left.

Anyway, the heat is smooshing my creativity, so less writing, more pictures.

I cut a bouquet of wildflowers.  Love 'em!

Just brings a little cheer to the kitchen.

Hello, this is my new garden addition.  I call it Patchwork Countertop.

Patio spread, as seen from the top of the slide.

Flower bed.  Top of the slide.  Yeah.

Squash and beans.

My new view.

Strawbs.  And recently snipped sage.

Kale and Chard babies.  Amazingly, they are hanging in there.

The mint.  The bright lighting makes it look more yellow than it actually is.

The basil is so dang tall, it's hilarious.  I grew basil from a store plant a couple of years ago, and it did fine, but it didn't get half so tall.  This one is from seed.

For some reason I'm losing buds on my patty pan bush.  Going to have to research this.

Weird pattern on one of my zucchini leaves.  Also must research.  I hope it's not mosaic.

We're going to eat this tonight.  It will be our third garden zuke, and as you can see to the left, we have another on the way.  Hopefully.  I didn't hand pollinate this one, so we'll see.  We seem to have a lot of pollinators in our yard, though, so I think we will see this one grow.

Still producing, if you can believe it.

This one is getting away from me, because I keep forgetting about it.  It's all healthy and fine, but I just keep forgetting to deadhead it.  Looking pretty raggedy!

Yeah... I should probably pull that.

Pretty wild... get it?  Pretty?  And wild?  'Cause they're wildflowers?  Ahaha, I kill me.

The other flower box.

Spaghetti squash seems to be doing well.  Getting lots of blooms, but still all male flowers.

My second crop of squash is growing fast in this heat.  I should probably thin them.

This is what my steps look like now.  Remarkably, the chard and kale are still growing.  I didn't expect them to just keep truckin' along.  Pretty cool.

Garlic is looking pretty sad.  I think they are supposed to "die" before you pull them, but I haven't seen any scapes yet.  Although I'm not really sure what to look for when it comes to scapes.  I guess I'll add that to the research list.
The end.

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About Me

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.