Okay, people, I am exhausted. Not gonna lie. I went down south to help my sister move, which was a pretty enormous task. Then I got sick with a beastly cold, which thankfully hasn't lasted long, but all the same, it pretty much drained me of all energy. Then I came home, and I had some early work to do this morning, so I did that. And I am tired. Tired, I tell you. The kind of tired where you feel like you might fall asleep, even when you're standing up in the kitchen attempting to make a reasonably nutritious lunch for your kids (which, let's face it, is really not all that nutritious, and consists mostly of lunch meat and mustard).
All that to say, I am sleepy, and probably won't narrate this post much. But I thought you might like to see the state of the garden. And even if you don't, tough beans, because you're getting an eye full. So there. Nyah.
Swiss Chard, still hanging in there, and as far as I can tell, no bugs seem to be interested in it. Hooray for that! |
Radishes and lettuce. I'm always amazed at how quickly radishes grow. They're practically weeds. Nevertheless, last time I tried to grow them, they didn't "radish up," and had your usual stringy roots instead of the plump, round roots of yummitude. I'm hoping for better results this time. Oh, you can also see the green onions up top, which are still growing. I may need to cut them soon. I don't know. |
More radishes and lettuce. |
Tiny salad, I'm gonna eat you! |
Come on, be yummy this time! |
The radishes in the big foot locker box have sprung. They did not grow in those nice even rows that I planted them in, and it looked like something may have fiddled around with the dirt. I hope we don't have cats! |
All the kale and broccoli is officially gone. Whatever was enjoying them, well, they finished them off while I was gone. Time for a new plan of attack. I'm even considering starting them indoors. I have yogurt cups. They're good for stuff, right? |
Spinach. |
Still spinach. |
Bag spinach has some true leaves! |
Peas are doing well, and have grown quite a bit since last time. Some of them were looking a little crummy, and they were growing awfully thick, so I went ahead and thinned them a little bit further. |
Hope they are yummy! They don't look like last year's, so I guess I bought a different variety accidentally. |
The tallest pea. |
Sage is making a comeback. |
Oregano, full and beautiful as always. |
Compost has shrunk significantly since I started it. I'll have to find more things to add soon. |
Okay, off for a nap.
The end.
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