I'm heading out to my folks' for the week, and leaving my plant babies in the care of good ol' Hubbyman, so I thought I'd toss out a quick update post before I leave. You know, in case something goes awry. Then I will have a scapegoat.
So. State of the garden. The kale and broccoli have been slowly dwindling. I'm down to about three or four broccoli seedlings. The kale has fared better, but I have been losing those too. Hopefully some of these will make it past infancy! But if all else fails, I do have more seeds.
Okay, let's see some pics. We all know that's why you're really here. I think. Maybe?
Lettuces and radishes. I thinned them. Just thought you'd want to know. |
Swingset photobomb! I really like baby radishes. They're cute. |
Bunyans. |
I planted more radishes in here. If the first round is successful, I'm bound to want a second. |
I think I'm doing this wrong. |
I planted more lettuce in here. It seemed a shame for it to just be sitting empty. I also put some in the Lucy tub. |
Again. Doing it wrong. I actually cleared this out and put garlic in it. Another one of those experiments I'm doing. I call them experiments, because when things go wrong, I can shrug it off that much more easily. All in the name of science! |
We had wind. |
Chard! I'm officially excited. I've never even eaten chard, but I feel like I've won a personal battle I was having with the elements or dirt or something. |
Spinach! I grew spinach in a container a few years ago, and it was really yummy and easy. I planted it late, though, so it bolted really fast. Hopefully we will get to enjoy it longer this time. |
Peas are opening up! I'm so excited. Peas really were the highlight of our garden last year. I was told by another gardener that you don't have to thin them out to six inches like the packet tells you to, and that you can grow them close successfully. I'm going to try that out this year. |
I really couldn't remember if I'd said anything about the trellis, and I was too lazy to check. So here you go, redundant or otherwise. Trellis. |
More trellis. |
There's spinach in here too! I think... LOL! |
I thought we should end on a pretty note. So here, oregano for you. |
The end.
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