Friday, March 14, 2014

Okay, garden. I nameth thee! And some other junk.

I'm happy to be naming my containers today.  It will make blogging much easier, since I will be able to type fewer words.  You know, that whole less-is-more thing.  Except for names.  More names is more.  Are more?  Okay, I'm going to stop now.  On to the names of stuff!

Last year I named my plants, but since I am trying to grow more this year, it just seemed too overwhelming.  So boxes/beds it is!  I decided to go with an Epic Fantasy theme, based on some of my favorite novels.  So here they are.  Pictures are good at painting stuff and whatnot.

Lyonesse is the land for which a series is titled.  The books are Lyonesse, The Green Pearl, and Madouc.  Lyonesse is a coastal country, to the south of which stretches a channel called The Lir.  (The Lyonesse Trilogy is by Jack Vance)
On the south side of The Lir, facing Lyonesse, are three island countries.  To the west, Troicinet, to the east, Dascinet.  Nestled between the two is the tiny island of Scola.

Cadwal is another Jack Vance world.  I couldn't resist the "wall" pun.  Get it?  'Cause it's... oh, nevermind.  (By the way, Angry Child is not a character from The Cadwal Chronicles.)
I think the Narnia references are largely self explanatory, although Puddleglum might be a lesser known character, due to his lack of appearance in the movies.  I gave Hubbyman the honor of naming one of the boxes, and he named the big one Grudge.  Thus, Grudge Jr. for the little front pocket.  I think it only fair to point out that he chose the name for the bed that has been named Scola, and that now it doesn't make sense, since it's referring to a Tool song.  Sorry, honey, but geographically speaking, it just had to be named Scola!

Do I need to explain this?

 So there you have it.  If ever you have questions about one box or the other, say, "Hey, blah blah this and that Edmund?" and I'll know exactly what you're talking about.  Hooray and stuff!

Guess what.

In case you're still not sure: that, my friends, is a baby pea.  (Cue fireworks and halos and explosive choir songs.)  They are finally breaking the soil!  Hooray!  Unfortunately, still no sign of the chard.  I went ahead and planted more chard in Dascinet, in case the ones in Grudge don't work out.

Segue goes here.

Hubbyman, apparently, has hopped on board with this whole random-crap-in-the-garden thing.  His contribution follows.

I told him the elephant had to go, since he is trampling on my newly planted radishes.  So he joined the chicken up in the Edmund box.
I dub thee Sir Gerald, Guardian of the Onions!

The Broccoli and Kale are looking good so far.  I see new ones every day.

Did you know that you can get free used coffee grounds at Starbucks, for the purpose of nutrifying your garden?

I did, but that's because I worked there once, and I never would have thought to ask, so it's a handy little tidbit.  I'm going to attempt to start a compost pile with it.  I have no idea how to compost, but I did hear that coffee grounds are a good ingredient.

And here's my cue to go in the house--Washington style.

The end.


  1. Love the names. You have so many beds, I'll be constantly going back to this post to remember which is which. Elephant is hilarious, and I love the onion guardian.

    Also, Angry Child should totally have been a character in one of the books.

    1. I think some of those books did have angry children in them...


About Me

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.