Monday, March 10, 2014

It begins!

The sun came out a little today, which means I did too.  And I found these little baby Kales curling their heads out from the dirt.  Just three or four at the moment.  Hoping to see many more.

No Swiss Chard, Broccoli, or Peas yet.  We're supposed to have a few days of clear weather this week, so I'm hoping they will make an appearance soon.

Meanwhile, I installed two of these:

I put them on the fence posts.  If my idea seems successful, I will add more.  My idea, of course, being this:

Still not quite sure how I feel about the strength of the bag's strap.  Which is why I've only put one out there so far.  (I would have done the other half of the reusable grocery bag, but I hadn't actually done any more sewing on it.  So a single it is!

I've been itching to put more seeds in the ground, so I threw some spinach in the front panel of the dresser-turned-dirt-box.

My seed packet has a halo.  I didn't realize I'd purchased an angelic variety!

I also threw some spinach seeds in here:

Hey, we might as well make the experiment complete!

In other news, I found a little chunk scooped out of one of the pea bags.  You can't really tell at all from the picture, but it's coincidentally about the same size as my three year old daughter's hand.  Hmm.

Well, I guess I will have to watch her more closely.  All the same, better to have a toddler rummaging through the garden than a cat, what with the litter box factor.  Ew.

And lastly, I am trying this thing that a friend of mine told me about.  Supposedly, if you put the base of a celery plant from the grocery store in water, it will grow new celery.  Theoretically, if it also grows roots, it can be transplanted to the garden.  I'm very curious to see how it turns out.  Same with the green onions.  Another little experiment.

Around here, a counter shot just isn't complete without some Legos and a dress-up prop in the background.

The end.

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.