Saturday, July 6, 2013

Giving you my cheesiest of grins...

I often think Scruffy looks smaller in pictures than he does in real life, so to give you some perspective on his size, here is a picture of us together.  My goodness, he is getting so big!  Seems like he was a mere seedling just yesterday.  I must cherish every moment of Scruffy's plant-hood, because those moments don't last forever...

I am five-five.  Scruffy's dirt actually comes up to a little higher than mid shin.

I didn't take into account the fact (mainly because I didn't know it until a week ago) that Sun Golds not only get very tall, but very sprawly.  This tomato growing business gets more interesting and more challenging as time goes on.  But Scruffy is already covered in little baby tomatoes--thirty or more at least so far, with tons more blooms--which makes me hope that all the craziness will be worthwhile.

On July fourth, I ate some little orange cherry tomatoes.  I don't know if they were  Sun Golds, but wow, they were delicious.  I hope mine are delicious too.

Now for a quick state of the garden:

I lopped off some of the pea vines because they were half dead, and also threatening to attach to my bush beans.  They are still producing by some miracle, despite all the abuse they've experienced lately.  They are putting out a ton right now, so I'm wondering if it's some sort of last hoorah. 

The bush beans are doing great, with lots of little beans growing.  The newly planted bush beans are doing okay.  The ones in the tomato bed are doing the best, although something is trying to eat one of them.  But as usual, I can't find the culprit.

The wild flowers are in full bloom.

The zuke is still zuking it up.

Hmm... what else?

Oh, the crooknecks and munchers are growing and growing.  I'm hoping the cukes don't end up being bitter from the heat.  It doesn't get too super hot here, but I have no experience with growing cukes (or anything else, ha).  All I know is that they turn bitter when it gets "too hot."  That's what they tell me, anyway.

And here are some pictures to prove it all.

The end.

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.