Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just thought I'd share...

...I ate my garden's first green bean today.

Okay, yeah, I admit, it was a little young still.  But I just had to taste one.  And you know what?  It was every bit as good as the homegrown beans I remember munching on raw when I was a kid.  Delectable.

And, like the lamer I am, I didn't take a picture.  So there you are, left to imagine what that moment must have been like.  I know it's hard to imagine things anymore, what with the interweb and all it brings, but if you try really hard, I have confidence that you can make that green bean eating moment appear before your mind's eye and make you want to taste one yourself.

So here's how it went.

I stooped down to the plant and parted the leaves to have a peek at what lay beneath.  That's when I saw it.  A beautiful green bean.  It was about three inches long, which seemed "close enough" by my admittedly mediocre standards.  So I plucked the bean from the plant, broke off the stem end, and took a bite.  The skin of the bean was like that of a peach.  The inside was juicy and sweet.  It crunched ever so pleasantly in my mouth.  And I immediately wished that there had been more.

Painful though it was, I shared the season's first bean with Hubbyman.  He was grateful.

The end.

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.