Friday, July 26, 2013

Patchwork Patio: Scruffy Edition... Also flowers.

Scruffy, you are freaking huge and out of control.

Also, the fading light makes you look half dead.

But look at the glorious abundance of fruity goodness spilling forth from your trunk!

And now, some flowers.

Although this is the Scruffy/Also-Flowers edition, I thought I'd throw in a couple of extra things.

Cucumbers spilling all over the place.

I moved Squishy Jr. to the corner of the patio, and dragged Squishy's former resting place over to the side.  I went ahead and threw some more zucchini and crookneck seeds into the bag.  Never hurts to try, right?  I'll let you know how it goes!

Squishy Jr. has a new baby!
This was the old baby.  It was rather scrumptious!  Also green beans.
The end.

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About Me

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Learning how to hobby-garden on my patio and in a small flower bed. I live in the pacific northwest, so it can be pretty challenging with all the rain we get, and with the short growing season.